Monday, February 3, 2014

Teaching, Reflecting, and Making Changes


Today was a very productive day!  I introduced Doceri during Math.  The kids and I created a sample problem and recorded each step for subtracting fractions with unlike denominators!  Then, they worked on problems independently and listened to each other's recordings.  During their independent work time it was amazing how many students were swiping between apps to complete their work.  They were listening to the Doceri examples they created and then taking that information and applying it to the problem they were working on!  They are taking ownership of their learning and work.  My students are getting a better grasp on the concepts we are learning about because they are being required to explain the process and their thinking!  


My students have already had experience with Keynote thanks to Mrs. Geldes!  They were able to show me some of the ins and outs as we started our vocabulary journals for the week.  Taking what I reflected upon and learned last week, we had a big discussion as to what quality work looks like on the iPad.   It was a great learning experience for the kids and for me.  Modeling each task they are about to take on is so important as they continue their learning adventure on the iPads.  I have modeled things for the kids in the past, but never with an iPad.  I assumed they would take what they know about my expectations and quality work and apply it to their work on the iPads.  It was a great refresher for all students and as I walked around to view their Keynotes, I noticed a huge improvement from last week! 

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