Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Look, Listen, Learn

Today I realized I was using an app that was not ideal for the docs I have shared with my students.  My students were such good sports as we navigated our way through the difficulties we were having.  It then dawned on me that we should have been using Notability!  Excited to show my students how much easier it will be to work on docs I have shared with them using a different app!

We did use Explain Everything to learn about adjectives and articles!  They created a slide for each type of adjective (what kind, how many, etc...).  They recorded examples of the different types of adjectives and used this to help them on their assignment.  As they were creating and recording, there were so many questions that started with, "Can we do this? and Can we do that? etc..." For so long kids have been told what way their paper needs to be facing, how to color, what materials to use, etc... now they are able to choose how they show what they know and what they have learned and it has sparked some excitement and ownership among my students! 

My students are currently doing a Blogging Challenge and after reading my students' most recent Kidblog posts, I noticed that many of my kids are enjoying the app, Garageband.  I am excited to see how I can take a favorite app of theirs and intertwine it with our curriculum.  Any and all ideas are welcome!

Over the past three days, I have taken some moments to sit back and just watch the kids in my room work.  When they get out of their seats or walk around the room, they aren't off task and messing around, they are showing a friend their work or asking a question about what they are working on.  They are engaged the entire time!  Very amazing to watch!  I am enjoying the atmosphere that our new learning tools are creating in my classroom!

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